April 7th 2017
Going Away Party For Commander Clint Rudesill With Jim, Vern, John, Al, Ken and Roger
Thanks to Clint for all the work he did. There was lots of behind the seen things not to many people know about.
Thanks to Clint for all the work he did. There was lots of behind the seen things not to many people know about.
Clint and MaryLu's last nite at the post before moving away to Eau Claire Wi
4 Chaplains Service 2017 This service was well attended 13 Posts attended about 125 People
Old Flag recepital Repaired and painted by Roger Wolf and Gagne Auto
Post Cleaned painted New sign by Clint Rudesill, John Majewski and Ken Licht
Post sign cleaned and painted with new embelams by Clint Rudesill, John Majewski and Ken Licht
Recent Happenings at the Post
New side walk and land scape by Clint Rudesill and Colin McElroy
New side walk and land scape by Clint Rudesill and Colin McElroy
The Post built a handy cap ramp for Jim and Judy Pifher Thanks to Clint Rushel, Jim Allen, Ken Licht and Judy's son Bob and his friend Bob for all the hard work Nice Ramp.

New sidewalk laid in june Nice addition to the Post
On Saturday April there was a surprise Birthday party for JUDY PIFHER put on by her family and friends.
There was a large turn out and lots of fun was had by all, lots of good food too.
There was a large turn out and lots of fun was had by all, lots of good food too.
November 8,2015 Veterans Dinner Put on by WFV at the Post
Great food linily conversion and raffel
Great food linily conversion and raffel

VFW presents check to Princeton Fire Dept
Princeton VFW presents a $2000.00 check to the Princeton Fire Dept to assist in there purchase of a thermal camera
Clint Russell VFW Commander, Ernie Pulvermacher Princeton Fire Chief, Graf Wallner Fire Dept,
Vern Calbaum VFW left to right
Princeton VFW presents a $2000.00 check to the Princeton Fire Dept to assist in there purchase of a thermal camera
Clint Russell VFW Commander, Ernie Pulvermacher Princeton Fire Chief, Graf Wallner Fire Dept,
Vern Calbaum VFW left to right
Winner of Gun Raffel October 30th was Mark Kramer
Winners of golf outing
!st Gary Leses Team
2nd Dan Braun Team
3rd C. Kellers Team
4th Dan Kallas Team
!st Gary Leses Team
2nd Dan Braun Team
3rd C. Kellers Team
4th Dan Kallas Team
RUN for SAM July 2015
The $10,000.00 raffel drawing was held on August 8th We had ONE winner of the top prize. And 8 $100.00 winners this year.

April 4,2015
Over 300 ATV riders that rode in the annual atv ride event.
Proceeds are split between The Fisher House at the Va Hospital in Milwaukee and Budda Boy a cancer support group in Marquette County
Over 300 ATV riders that rode in the annual atv ride event.
Proceeds are split between The Fisher House at the Va Hospital in Milwaukee and Budda Boy a cancer support group in Marquette County
MAY 2014
Clint Rudesill giving gift cards to Denise Trempe, Director of Veterans Assistance Foundation located at King, WI. These people run a transition housing home for veterans. Jim Pifher and Sally Dahlke (WFV) are presenting Denise with boxes of in-kind goods for the same place. Also shown is are the winners of this years' $500 scholarships from Princeton High School. One scholarship is sponsored by the Post to ElijahVoight and the other was to Erin Elizabeth Golz from our WFV.
Clint Rudesill giving gift cards to Denise Trempe, Director of Veterans Assistance Foundation located at King, WI. These people run a transition housing home for veterans. Jim Pifher and Sally Dahlke (WFV) are presenting Denise with boxes of in-kind goods for the same place. Also shown is are the winners of this years' $500 scholarships from Princeton High School. One scholarship is sponsored by the Post to ElijahVoight and the other was to Erin Elizabeth Golz from our WFV.
Four members of our VFW Post went to Washington D.C. on August 1st. The day long trip was called 'Yellow Ribbon Flight 11'. It was sponsored by American Airlines and Old Glory Honor Flight. This Honor Flight was for Vietnam Veterans only. The four men pictured are Ray Hudzinski, John Majewski, Dick Prachel and Jim Pifher.
4th of July 2014 Prade
Run for Sam 2014
Trip to KING Veterans homeless shelter
Veterans Dinner served by the WFV Nov. 8, 2014
MaryJo Mlodzik presents a check and a beautiful memory box with items from her kather, Paul Ladwig, toClint Rudesill,comander of the Princeton VFW Post. Paul was a highly decorated WWII veteran and the first comander of the Post. Mrs. Mlodzik was representing the family of Paul and Delores Ladwig, and most of the Extended family were present. The Post has proudly displayed the memory box and sincerely appreciates the gift.